All Posts in Category: TMJ

Children More Susceptible to TMJ Problems Than Adults

When it comes to problems with TMJ Disorder, it turns out that kids have problems at almost twice the rate of adults.

Nearly 1 of 4 children ages kindergarten to 5th grade, report TMJ/D symptoms a new study reports in the February 2016 journal of the American Dental Association. This study of children found that girls had about 4% higher incidence of symptoms surveyed than boys.


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Treating TMJ Disorder With Botox

There are instances where Botox can facilitate treatment for TMD. However, in some cases Botox can cover the underlying problem causing pain and hinder rehabilitation. Knowing when to use Botox is the most important question.

Can Botox Help with TMJ Disorder? Yes and No.puzzle-813302_1280

TMJ problems, or TMD, involve usually joint symptoms such as clicking, locking, dislocated cartilage, etc.


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TMJ Treatment: What To Expect

TMJ treatment is specific to the individual. However, there are some consistencies with the course of treatment that offer a good idea of the timeframe most patients will experience.

How long does TMJ treatment take?

The length of treatment depends on the condition we’re trying to help you with. Each treatment plan and orthotic are “one of a kind” to a person’s diagnosis and anatomy, however, there are generalizations. Just as orthodontics (braces) have a somewhat predictable course of treatment, so does TMJ/TMD treatment.


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TMJ Not Improving With Night Guard?

Some of our patients come to us and say, “I have a custom night guard but it’s not helping with my TMJ symptoms”. If you are wearing a night guard and your problem is not improving or worsening, it is probably because the appliance is not right for the situation.

I have patients that have had a night guard custom made by their general dentist in order to address morning jaw soreness, sensitive teeth, or excessive wear on their teeth. I am sometimes asked if I can use their existing night guard in my treatment of their TMD or TMJ problem. Unfortunately the answer is usually not.

Here’s why.


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Are Migraines the Result of TMJ Disorder?

The results of a recent study in the Journal of the American Dental Association showed results that 16.1% of patients experienced orofacial pain. It turns out that this is almost the same number of patient visits to physicians for migraine or headache pain. Is there a connection to TMJ disorder?

The October 2015 Journal of the American Dental Association presented a study entitled Frequency of Orofacial Pain in Dental Patients. The study looked at 100 dental practices, chosen over a three-year period. The dentists took a random sample of their patients that were seen and screened them for current orofacial pain or any pain within the previous year.


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Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a day set aside to focus on gratitude for all of the things in our lives. Some of the things we are grateful for are not the “easy” parts of our lives knowing that the things that stretch us tend to have the biggest impact. The “valleys” we all walk through are necessary to measure the “mountaintops” we experience as we journey through life. Without night, we could not appreciate the day.


I am thankful for my family, extended family, friends, those I work with and for all whose lives have crossed ours.


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Pain Relief for TMJ

Pain related to TMJ disorder can flair up at any time; late at night, weekends, holidays or while traveling. So, it is good to have a few solutions to deal with the discomfort until you can see a professional for long-term relief.

Pain from an injured, damaged or over-used TMJ is often musculoskeletal in nature; the muscles tighten and cause pain such as headache, face pain or neck pain.


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TMJ Treatment: Orthotics or Splints?

Orthotics vs Splints

It can be confusing when trying to understand the different ways to treat TMJ disorder. Different approaches to treatment require different appliances-splints or orthotics.

Regarding the use of intra-oral appliances, there are 2 different approaches to treat TMD and both use appliances. I’m often asked “What type of splint do you use?


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Oral Orthotics in Treating Tic Disorders

Studies continue in an effort to treat tic disorders, or Tourettes, without the use of drugs. It is thought that compression caused by TMD contributes to tics often seen in patients with Tourettes. There may not be pain associated with the TMJ, which may cause this possible issue to be overlooked.sunrise

My sister recently became interim chair for the Tourettes Association and asked me what I knew about reports that a “splint” can be effective treatment for some Tourettes sufferers.


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Is Your Migraine a Result of TMJ?

Treatment for TMJ could bring relief from migraine headaches that are often debilitating for sufferers. Many people take medications that cause drowsiness and have other side effects. But, a solution that doesn’t involve medication may be possible by treating TMD.

Migraine headaches can have many presenting symptoms such as visual auras, flashes, tunnel vision, blurry vision and light sensitivity among others. Some patients become nauseous, others experience dizziness. Some patients describe changes in hearing and can become very sensitive to loud or high frequency sounds.

blurry lights (more…)

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