All Posts in Category: TMJ

10 Myths About Sleep

We sleep about 1/3rd of our lives and science still can’t find a reason why we do. It’s such a fascinating cascade of chemistry, feedback loops and brain activity that still baffles science. There are still mysteries that our Creator uses to prove this stuff couldn’t just evolve. Sleep is one of those mysteries. Look […]

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Use of Antibiotics for TMJ Arthritis?

Damage to the TMJ ligaments and disc results in joint sounds in most people. Clicking, popping, or grinding noises in the jaw joints (TMJ) indicates that ligaments have torn and the cartilage “disc” is being damaged and isn’t protecting the condyle. Eventually the popping and clicking “goes away” when the joint is rubbing “bone on […]

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Sleep Apnea Diagnosis and Therapy

Sleep Apnea is becoming more prevalent and has been estimated to affect 1/3 of the adult population[i]. In our practice and in general literature, children have a high percentage of Sleep Breathing Disorders which leads to long term facial distortion, TMJ problems, malocclusion, and potential medical problems such as diabetes, obesity, impaired learning. Dentistry, and […]

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Can A Panorex Dental X-ray Detect TMJ Problems?

Yes and no. TMJ problems such as slipped discs (clicking or popping noises) or complete disc dislocation (can’t open your mouth very far) doesn’t always show up on radiographs until the condition has been going on for a few weeks, months or even years. Clicking, popping or locking of a jaw joint happens when the […]

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Accutane, Bruxing and TMJ

Recently, a patient presented with “clicking” that has progressed to having a locked left jaw in the morning.  They can “unlock” it easily at this point. The clicking symptoms started when they were taking Accutane for acne and the clicking seemed to resolve when Accutane was discontinued. Did Accutane have anything to do with this? […]

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How It’s All Linked: The Facts

Let’s face it; what we all want is to spend quality time with those we love. We value health and happiness, experiencing life’s adventures, and snuggling in warm and cozy on a winter’s day. But the truth is most families experience health issues, questions arise and the unknown keeps us from living our lives the […]

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The Many Questions of TMJ (and OSA)

Studes, recommendations, allies and liabilities all play a part in creating the information available when trying to get answers to the many questions surrounding TMJ. Some studies are designed to follow a single-symptom, linear progression protocols, which means the study is not able to follow a new symptom even if the change is of problem […]

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Dehydration, Nighttime Urination, Bedwetting and How It Relates to Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dehydrated? Get more sleep….Tired? Drink more water….it’s all connected. This article reviews what we already know about proper sleep time and quality: if your sleep is disrupted it affects our entire body chemistry. Kidney function is also impacted by Sleep Apnea and other sleep breathing problems. Proper length and depth of sleep is known to […]

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The Impact of Cell Usage on College Kids

Research shows that use of electronics pre-bedtime can affect sleep. A recent study of college students’ use of Cell Phones after “lights out” was shown to definitively contribute to sleep disturbances and mental distress. This was a large, significant group of almost 4,400 college students self-reporting cell phone use and specifically, use in bed after […]

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The TMJ Treatment Debate Debunked

If you search for advice with TMJ problems, some sites suggest simple self-care is all you should do. And they say it’s a “self-limiting muscle tension problem” that will resolve. Decades ago that might have been believed. With improved imaging technology, there is understanding of the progressive damage to the TMJ (one study showed nearly […]

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