All posts by kpecoraro

Sleep Apnea and Depression

Sleep is essential for our bodies to rest and repair and it’s the only time our brain gets a chance to rest, regenerate, and clean up the memories and inputs from the day. During sleep, there are distinct stages of sleep that help the brain rest and recover, and other stages allow the muscles and […]

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TMJ and Scuba Diving

Over the years I’ve seen a few patients whose TMJ symptoms started while scuba diving. Some had been diving for a longer time, while other patients it occurred on their first open water dive. A recent article [1] surveyed divers regarding dental pain and reported barodontalgia (tooth ache from ambient pressure change) in 42% of […]

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TMJ Treatment Overview

TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) is a term that describes all problems in and around the TMJ. With TMJ disorders, there are problems in the joint itself (this is almost 100% of the primary problem) that cause muscles to cramp, spasm or hurt. It also shifts the alignment of the lower jaw (mandible) due to a shift […]

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TMJ, Arthritis and Sleep Apnea

Statistics relating to the incidence of TMJ Disorders (TMJD) and Sleep Apnea are often quoted around 70%. In my specialty practice, I see above 50% of people presenting with TMJ problems also have undiagnosed sleep-breathing problems (Sleep Apnea, UARS, Fatigue). One of the many reasons these conditions are linked is the fact that an obstruction of […]

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Saliva Is Nothing To Spit At

Let’s take a moment to be reminded at how amazing it is that our body has been made to care of itself. Someday, instead of having to give a blood sample during your physical exam, the doctor might just ask you for a saliva sample. Saliva is an amazing fluid. Besides helping us moisten and […]

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Panorex Radiographs

Many offices utilize panorex images to check for 3rd molars, abscesses, and as a general screening. There are advantages and disadvantages of panorex images compared to an FMX series. Panorex images allow a broad, general dental screening. With some training, they can also detect TMJ pathology, upper cervical spine problems (neck problems) and sinus pathology. […]

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The Toxic Effects of Sugar: learn the science behind the addiction

Recently, I attended the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain’s annual Sleep Disordered Breathing Conference. At these events, friends and colleagues always provide new tips and insights. We are privileged to have the opportunity to hear from esteemed Physicians and Dentists on varying topics ranging from TMJ, chronic pain, Sleep disorders and pediatric breathing problems. Dr.Lustig, a professor from […]

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Otologic Symptoms and TMJ Problems

Symptoms in and around the ear are very common in patients with TMJ disorders. Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear), dizziness, earache, and vertigo are all common symptoms of a TMJ problem. If you suffer from any of these symptoms and your physician does not find a cause in the ears, it’s likely that […]

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Short Sleep Times and the Illusion of Alcohol’s Assistance

Overall, about about 1/4th of Coloradans aren’t getting as much sleep as recommended for optimal health. Our bodies require a certain amount of time in sleep to allow all of the “stages” of sleep to occur. Insufficient sleep deprives the brain, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal system enough time to repair the microdamage that happens during our waking […]

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Efficacy VS Effectiveness

Studies continue to show increasingly similar results treating Sleep Apnea between Oral Appliances and CPAP, even in severe cases. When oral appliances were first introduced to treat sleep apnea they were thought to be secondary, or sub-optimal alternatives to CPAP. Studies that have looked at long term outcomes, as in the Journal of Dental Sleep […]

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